The color blue radiates calmness and peace, and it can also symbolize spirituality and the pursuit of inner peace. The use of blue in mandalas can aid in meditation and deepening one's inner focus.
Green represents nature and harmony, and it can also symbolize healing, renewal, and growth. In mandalas, the color green can help reduce stress and create inner harmony.
Yellow is the symbol of joy, happiness, and creativity, and it can also refer to the energy of life. Using yellow in mandalas can stimulate creativity and positive thinking.
Red symbolizes passion and energy, and it can refer to the strength and dynamism of life. In mandalas, the use of red can stimulate life force and vitality.
Purple represents spiritual consciousness and development, and it can also refer to intuition and deepening. Using purple in mandalas can aid in deep meditation and understanding of the inner self.
Pink represents emotional security and love, and it can also refer to gentleness and warmth. In mandalas, the use of pink can help reduce stress and create emotional balance.
Orange symbolizes happiness and optimism, and it can also refer to the joys of life. In mandalas, the use of orange can help reduce stress and create a joyful mood.
White symbolizes purity and innocence, and it can also refer to spirituality and the creation of inner peace. Using white in mandalas can aid in meditation and achieving deep inner peace and concentration.

Black: Black symbolizes mystery, depth, and mysticism, and it can also refer to transformation and renewal. In mandalas, the use of black can aid in understanding the inner self and deepening self-awareness.

However, it's important to note that the meanings of colors can vary individually and differ in various cultures and religions. Colors can have multiple interpretations, and these interpretations can be personal and culturally diverse.